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Who is liable for a GmbH?

All about liab­il­ity and respons­ib­il­ity
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Who is liable for a GmbH? Everything about liability and responsibility

Die Haf­tung ist ein zen­t­rales Thema, wenn es um die Gründung und den Betrieb einer GmbH (Gesell­schaft mit bes­chränk­ter Haf­tung) geht. Viele Gründer stel­len sich die Frage: Wer haftet bei einer GmbH und welche recht­lichen Rah­men­bedin­gun­gen sind dabei zu beachten? In diesem Artikel erfährst du alles Wichtige zur Haf­tung, den Ver­ant­wort­lich­keiten und den Voraus­set­zun­gen für eine GmbH-Gründung.

The basic liab­il­ity struc­ture of a GmbH

Die GmbH ist eine der belieb­testen Unternehmens­for­men in Deutsch­land, ins­beson­dere auf­grund ihrer Haf­tungs­bes­chränkung. Dies bedeutet, dass die Gesell­schafter in der Regel nur mit ihrem einge­b­rachten GmbH-Stam­mkapital haften. In der Praxis bedeutet dies, dass per­sön­liche Ver­mö­genswerte der Gesell­schafter vor den For­der­ungen der Gläu­bi­ger geschützt sind.

1. lim­it­a­tion of liab­il­ity of the share­hold­ers

As a share­holder in a GmbH, you are only liable up to the amount of your paid-up share cap­ital. The min­imum share cap­ital is 25,000 euros, of which at least 12,500 euros must be paid in before the GmbH is registered. This means that in the event of insolv­ency, cred­it­ors can only access the company’s assets, but not your per­sonal assets.

2. excep­tions to the lim­it­a­tion of liab­il­ity

Des­pite the gen­eral lim­it­a­tion of liab­il­ity, there are some excep­tions in which share­hold­ers can be held per­son­ally liable:

  • Claims for dam­ages: If share­hold­ers cause dam­age to the com­pany or third parties through wil­ful or grossly neg­li­gent beha­viour.
  • Liab­il­ity for con­tri­bu­tions: If the share cap­ital is not prop­erly paid in, share­hold­ers can be held liable for the out­stand­ing amounts.
  • Per­sonal guar­an­tees: If share­hold­ers enter into per­sonal guar­an­tees for loans or con­tracts, they can be held per­son­ally liable.

Who is liable for a GmbH?

1. Man­aging Dir­ector

The man­aging dir­ect­ors of a GmbH not only have a man­age­ment func­tion, but also a great deal of respons­ib­il­ity. They are liable for wrong decisions or viol­a­tions of legal reg­u­la­tions. The fol­low­ing applies:

  • Duty of care: Man­aging dir­ect­ors must act in the best interests of the com­pany and exer­cise the care of a prudent busi­ness­man.
  • Liab­il­ity towards third parties: Man­aging dir­ect­ors can be held per­son­ally liable for breaches of duty (e.g. breaches of com­pany law).

2. Share­holder

As already men­tioned, share­hold­ers are only liable up to the amount of their paid-up share cap­ital. How­ever, in cer­tain cases, such as a breach of pay­ment oblig­a­tions, per­sonal liab­il­ity may also be con­sidered.

3. third parties (cred­it­ors)

As a rule, cred­it­ors do not have dir­ect access to the per­sonal assets of the share­hold­ers. How­ever, they can access the company’s assets if the GmbH is in fin­an­cial dif­fi­culties.

Liab­il­ity and respons­ib­il­ity in prac­tice

1. liab­il­ity in the con­text of found­ing a GmbH

If you want to set up a com­pany, it is import­ant to be aware of the liab­il­ity struc­ture. Care­ful plan­ning and legal advice are cru­cial to min­im­ise poten­tial liab­il­ity risks. The art­icles of asso­ci­ation should con­tain clear reg­u­la­tions that define the respons­ib­il­it­ies of the share­hold­ers and man­aging dir­ect­ors.

2. insur­ance cover

Es ist rat­sam, eine D&O‑Versicherung (Dir­ect­ors and Officers Liab­il­ity Insur­ance) abzuschließen, um die Geschäfts­führer vor Ans­prüchen Drit­ter zu schützen. Diese Ver­sicher­ung deckt poten­zi­elle Schäden ab, die durch Fehlentscheidun­gen oder Pflichtver­let­zun­gen entstehen können.

3. doc­u­ment­a­tion and trace­ab­il­ity

Thor­ough doc­u­ment­a­tion of all decisions and busi­ness trans­ac­tions is import­ant in order to be able to prove in the event of liab­il­ity that all decisions were made in the best interests of the GmbH.


Liab­il­ity in the case of a GmbH is a com­plex issue that is of great import­ance for founders. It is cru­cial to under­stand who is liable in a GmbH and under what cir­cum­stances this liab­il­ity comes into force. By deal­ing with liab­il­ity issues at an early stage and seek­ing pro­fes­sional sup­port, you can min­im­ise the risks and ensure that your GmbH is leg­ally pro­tec­ted.

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