Claim your exclus­ive star­tup dis­count now!

Our func­tions: How to found online.

With our plat­form, you can get star­ted right away without hav­ing to fight your way through the bur­eau­cratic jungle. We offer you GmbHs and UGs for sale that have already been foun­ded — which means no wait­ing times, no paper­work, just set up dir­ectly online and get star­ted.

Our intu­it­ive plat­form shows you step by step how to take over your new com­pany and put it on the road to suc­cess. Save valu­able time and con­cen­trate on the essen­tials: your ideas and your busi­ness.

Dive into our inter­act­ive demo and see for your­self how quick and easy the path to self-employ­ment can be!

How to start up online: Here you can see the start screen of the ready-to-start platform

Start your com­pany today – fast and digital

Save your­self the long wait­ing times and bur­eau­cratic hassle. Set up your com­pany in just a few days — effi­ciently, quickly and eas­ily.

Even with metic­u­lous plan­ning and a strong net­work, the com­pany form­a­tion pro­cess often takes sev­eral weeks. With us, you’ll be ready to go in just a few days.

From data entry to com­pany form­a­tion, everything with us is fully digital and user-friendly via our plat­form. No paper­work, no unne­ces­sary steps – you can man­age everything con­veni­ently online.

How to start up online: Here you can see the start screen of the ready-to-start platform
How to set up online: Here you can see the part where you can enter the shareholder details

Effort­lessly cre­ate and visu­al­ize com­plex com­pany struc­tures in no time with our intu­it­ive plat­form

Our user-friendly plat­form allows you to eas­ily visu­al­ise even com­plic­ated com­pany struc­tures without external effort.

The struc­tures you enter serve as the basis for the not­ar­ised con­tract design, so that everything cor­res­ponds exactly to your spe­cific­a­tions.

From the third share­holder level onwards, we call in our exper­i­enced not­ar­ies to ensure that even the most com­plex struc­tures are cor­rectly and form­ally reflec­ted in the con­tracts and in the com­mer­cial register.

How to set up online: Here you can see how it works when you book a notary appointment

Book your not­ary appoint­ment in seconds

Our plat­form gives you access to a broad net­work of exper­i­enced not­ar­ies.

With just a few clicks, you can book an appoint­ment to change the name of your com­pany dir­ectly with one of these part­ner not­ar­ies — quick, easy and stress-free online incor­por­a­tion.

If you prefer to use your own not­ary, this is of course pos­sible. Just let us know the details and we will make sure that all the doc­u­ments are pre­pared and sub­mit­ted appro­pri­ately.

How to set up online: Here you can see how it works when you book a notary appointment
How to set up online: An overview of the next steps for taking over your bank account

Get your busi­ness account with Ber­liner Volks­bank free of charge for 90 days

Set up your com­pany today and bene­fit from a 90-day free account with Ber­liner Volks­bank.

The experts at Volks­bank are always there for you and offer you cus­tom­ised advice and sup­port.

With dec­ades of tra­di­tion and reli­ab­il­ity, Ber­liner Volks­bank also guar­an­tees a stable infra­struc­ture and secure pay­ment trans­ac­tions for inter­na­tional pay­ments.

How to start up online: Here you can see our checklist for the next steps.

Profit from our strong com­munity and part­ners

With our sup­port, you’ll nav­ig­ate the Ger­man bur­eau­cratic jungle with ease.

Our cus­tom­ized step-by-step guide helps you to mas­ter the post-found­ing phase.

Take advant­age of exclus­ive perks and dis­counts to not only mas­ter the basics but also over­come every admin­is­trat­ive chal­lenge effort­lessly.

How to start up online: Here you can see our checklist for the next steps.
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Still have ques­tions?

Still have ques­tions about the start­ing a com­pany in Ger­many, com­pany regis­tra­tion Ger­many, busi­ness bank account Ger­many, the reser­va­tion or the pur­chase pro­cess? We answer many ques­tions in our FAQs, for everything else you are wel­come to con­tact our team.
Go to FAQs

Want to talk?

Would you prefer to speak to someone in per­son and cla­rify your ques­tions about start­ing a com­pany in Ger­many as a for­eigner, or com­pany regis­tra­tion in Ger­many in gen­eral, on the phone or in chat? No prob­lem! Our team is at your dis­posal and will be happy to help you with any ques­tions about our ser­vices.

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