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Today the idea, tomor­row start­ing a UG in Ger­many.

You would like to start a small busi­ness in Ger­many? Set­ting up a mini GmbH, or in Ger­man called UG (Unternehmens­gesell­schaft), with lim­ited liab­il­ity, takes time and nerves. Set­ting up a busi­ness in Ger­many can take between 6 weeks and 4 months. Espe­cially, when start­ing a com­pany in Ger­many as a for­eigner. In par­tic­u­lar, the open­ing of the busi­ness account is asso­ci­ated with many delays.

With our ready-to-go shelf com­pan­ies, you can be the man­aging dir­ector of your Mini GmbH within 24 hours and ready to act imme­di­ately.

Our mini-GmbH.
includ­ing € 1,000 share cap­ital
max. 3 man­aging dir­ect­ors and up to 5 share­hold­ers
The Mini GmbH offers you a par­tic­u­larly cost-effect­ive and uncom­plic­ated way to start a small busi­ness in Ger­many. You can get star­ted with as little as €1,000 equity and bene­fit from lim­ited liab­il­ity that pro­tects your private assets. The UG is ideal for founders who want to get star­ted quickly and be flex­ible — and can later be eas­ily con­ver­ted into a tra­di­tional GmbH as soon as the com­pany grows. Do your busi­ness setup in Ger­many now.
  • Check 2 Ready for use within 24 hours: Set up a Mini GmbH in just one day.
  • Check 2 Leg­ally secure and com­pli­ant: Effort­lessly ful­fil all legal require­ments.
  • Check 2 Digital pro­cess: no more paper night­mare. Enjoy a stream­lined, paper­less exper­i­ence.
  • Check 2 Busi­ness account: Get your start-up account at Ber­liner Volks­bank free of charge for 3 months.
  • Check 2 Ready-made con­tracts and doc­u­ments: Use our sample con­tracts and doc­u­ments for your appoint­ment with the not­ary in Ber­lin.
  • Check 2 Access to exclus­ive resources: Founders’ Academy, net­work and play­book developed espe­cially for founders.
  • Check 2 Access to the Start­bereit Space: Work and col­lab­or­ate in our spe­cial Start­bereit work­space.
  • Check 2 Exclus­ive dis­counts: Bene­fit from addi­tional ser­vices and spe­cial offers through our part­ner net­work.
  • Check 2 Your appoint­ment with our selec­ted not­ary in Ber­lin: Easy access to our trus­ted not­ar­ies, no need to search long for a not­ary in Ber­lin
  • X 2 Addi­tional not­ary fees: Not­ary fees are sep­ar­ate and will be paid at the appoint­ment.
Mach den Test bei startbereit: UG oder GmbH – Was passt besser zu dir?

UG or GmbH – Which is bet­ter for you?

Click through our test in just a few minutes and find out which legal form is best suited to your pro­ject. Take over a mini GmbH, or go one step fur­ther and have a pro­fes­sional GmbH?

Start­ing a small busi­ness in Ger­many in just one day?

Our Start­bereit shelf com­pan­ies, spe­cially foun­ded as Mini GmbH (UG), are registered in Ber­lin. You can eas­ily relo­cate the seat after pur­chase.

Each shelf com­pany has a busi­ness account at Ber­liner Volks­bank with the paid-in share cap­ital. You can take over this account imme­di­ately and start your busi­ness. 

Our Mini GmbHs do not come with a tax num­ber for imme­di­ate busi­ness trans­ac­tions. You’ll receive this once you register with the rel­ev­ant tax office. But don’t worry – we provide detailed guides and resources to sup­port you at every step, ensur­ing your online com­pany regis­tra­tion pro­cess is as smooth and simple as pos­sible.

Germany's #1 founders platform - Company registration Germany and starting a company in Germany as a foreigner done with ease.

Why buy a shelf UG?

With a shelf UG (‘lim­ited liab­il­ity com­pany’), you bene­fit from fast avail­ab­il­ity and the abil­ity to act imme­di­ately, without long wait­ing times or bur­eau­cratic hurdles. Start­bereit takes care of all the start-up form­al­it­ies and offers you a leg­ally com­pli­ant solu­tion to avoid mis­takes. The entre­pren­eur­ial com­pany gives you a pro­fes­sional appear­ance and facil­it­ates the grant­ing of loans thanks to a good credit rat­ing. You also start with an account at Ber­liner Volks­bank and can react flex­ibly to spe­cific busi­ness require­ments if neces­sary.
  • Check 2
    Time sav­ing:
    Imme­di­ate avail­ab­il­ity, no wait­ing for bur­eau­cratic pro­cesses when start­ing a busi­ness in Ger­many.
  • Check 2
    Legal secur­ity:
    start­bereit provides all neces­sary legal doc­u­ments and thereby min­im­ises faults.
  • Check 2
    Imme­di­ate oper­a­tional cap­ab­il­ity:
    Imme­di­ately start your busi­ness activ­it­ies or apply for loans and sub­sidies.
  • Check 2
    Pro­fes­sional appear­ance:
    Registered com­pany con­veys trust and pro­fes­sion­al­ism.
  • Check 2
    Easier credit approval:
    A good credit rat­ing makes it easier for you to receive loans.
  • Check 2
    Avoid­ance of bur­eau­cratic hurdles:
    Start­bereit takes care of all found­ing form­al­it­ies.
  • Check 2
    Cus­tom­is­able to spe­cific busi­ness require­ments.
  • Check 2
    Imme­di­ate mar­ket launch:
    Quick start your com­pany to profit from short-term busi­ness oppor­tun­it­ies.
  • Check 2
    Repu­ta­tion and trust:
    Exist­ing com­pany sig­nals reli­ab­il­ity.
  • Check 2
    Ber­liner Volks­bank account included:
    Our shelf com­pan­ies are already con­nec­ted to a bank account with the Ber­liner Volks­bank.
Ein Mann, der gerade seine UG kaufen oder Mini GmbH gründen möchte.

Start­ing a small busi­ness in Ger­many is not enough?

A mini GmbH is not enough for you and you want to start right away with a GmbH — let’s go!
Our pro­cesses

Found your own Mini GmbH in just a few steps

Our pro­cesses are optim­ised to reduce your work­load. Find out more about the indi­vidual steps involved in set­ting up a Mini GmbH here.

Found­ing a GmbH or Mini GmbH?

Are you still unsure which com­pany form suits you best? Then simply take our test!

Share com­pany data

So you want to set up a mini GmbH: Please enter the com­pany details in the app, includ­ing the com­pany name, registered office, address, sec­tor and object of the com­pany.

Reserve your com­pany

In order to finally receive your UG, you need to place an order on our web­site and fol­low­ing this, you will need to pay the share cap­ital and the ser­vice fee.
Document 3

Enter share­holder data

Please enter the neces­sary inform­a­tion for the pur­chase agree­ment of your entre­pren­eur­ial com­pany and the com­pany trans­fer of your UG in the app so that the not­ary can pre­pare the con­tracts and com­plete all neces­sary checks before the dead­line.

Book a not­ary appoint­ment

Once you’ve entered all the required inform­a­tion, a cal­en­dar will appear, allow­ing you to book your not­ary appoint­ment. The not­ary in Ber­lin will typ­ic­ally con­firm your appoint­ment within a few hours.
Card 2

Busi­ness Bank Account

After com­plet­ing all the steps, you will be redir­ec­ted to the bank account pro­cess from the Ber­liner Volks­bank to enter the required data. The account gives you quick access to your share cap­ital and is free of any fees for the first 3 months.


Con­grat­u­la­tions! You are now offi­cially the man­aging dir­ector of your com­pany. You can also access our exclus­ive resources and enjoy numer­ous bene­fits and dis­counts from our part­ners — start­ing a small busi­ness in Ger­many was never that easy
Paper Airplane

FAQs Found­ing a Mini GmbH

A UG (Unternehmergesell­schaft) is a Ger­man cor­por­a­tion with a min­imum share cap­ital of just 1 euro. It offers the advant­age of lim­ited liab­il­ity, sim­ilar to a GmbH, but at lower form­a­tion costs. The UG is ideal for single founders look­ing for a legal struc­ture with lim­ited liab­il­ity and lower cap­ital expendit­ure. It is par­tic­u­larly attract­ive for small and medium-sized com­pan­ies, as it is uncom­plic­ated to set up and can be oper­a­tion­ally util­ised quickly. If you are look­ing for start­ing a small busi­ness in Ger­many, this is your legal struc­ture.

How to set up a UG

    1. Sign art­icles of asso­ci­ation: The first step is to draw up art­icles of asso­ci­ation that reg­u­late all the import­ant details of the com­pany. This agree­ment can be cus­tom­ised to your needs or be replaced by a model pro­tocol provided by law. The model pro­tocol is sim­pler and cheaper, but only cov­ers the basics art­icles. There­fore, it’s only suit­able for com­pan­ies with a max­imum of three share­hold­ers and one man­aging dir­ector, as well as for cash found­ings. It’s import­ant to check the name of the UG with the IHK before­hand, to avoid any already taken or for­bid­den names.

    2. Open up a bank account: The man­aging dir­ector opens a bank account for the UG and the share cap­ital (at least 1 euro) must be paid in full to that bank account. The bank has to verify the man­aging dir­ector and the trans­ac­tion, which can lead to delays.

    3. Proof of pay­ment: The pay­ment of the share cap­ital must be proven to the not­ary by means of a bank state­ment from the day of the not­ary appoint­ment. A pay­ment receipt of the share cap­ital deposit is not suf­fi­cient.

    4. Com­mer­cial register entry: After the cap­ital has been paid and veri­fied, the not­ary checks all found­ing doc­u­ments and registers the UG with the com­mer­cial register. The lim­it­a­tion of liab­il­ity only applies after the regis­tra­tion.

The UG is ideal for founders look­ing for a legal struc­ture with lim­ited liab­il­ity and lower cap­ital expendit­ure. It is par­tic­u­larly attract­ive for medium and small busi­nesses in Ger­many, as it is uncom­plic­ated to set up and can quickly be oper­a­tion­ally util­ised.

A UG (haf­tungs­bes­chränkt) has sev­eral draw­backs. The low share cap­ital of just EUR 1 can lead to liquid­ity chal­lenges. To mit­ig­ate this risk, our shelf UGs are provided with EUR 1,000 in share cap­ital. Addi­tion­ally, the UG is required to set aside 25% of its annual net profit as a reserve until the cap­ital reaches EUR 25,000, which can limit fin­an­cial flex­ib­il­ity. The ongo­ing costs for book­keep­ing and tax advis­ory ser­vices are also typ­ic­ally higher than for non-lim­ited liab­il­ity com­pan­ies. Fur­ther­more, a UG may be per­ceived as less trust­worthy in the busi­ness world com­pared to a GmbH, and bor­row­ing can be more dif­fi­cult due to the neg­at­ive impact of low share cap­ital on cred­it­wor­thi­ness.

The form­a­tion of a UG can take up to three months depend­ing on pre­par­a­tion, not­ar­isa­tion and entry in the com­mer­cial register. If everything runs smoothly, the pro­cess is usu­ally com­pleted within four to six weeks.

How­ever, with one of the start­bereit UGs you can be ready to go within a few days.

A shelf UG (“Vor­rats­gesell­schaft”) is a ready-to-use entre­pren­eur­ial com­pany that has already been registered, but has not yet con­duc­ted any busi­ness. It can be trans­ferred and you can start your busi­ness within days. All shelf UGs from Start­bereit are com­pletely legal, trans­par­ent and avail­able for imme­di­ate takeover.

A shelf UG with a fully paid-up cap­ital of 1,000 euros costs 1,900 euros. There are no addi­tional costs on our part. How­ever, you will have to pay not­ary and court fees upon acquis­i­tion, the amount of which var­ies depend­ing on the indi­vidual case. Please note that we do not set up UGs with a model pro­tocol.


to prices

When pur­chas­ing a shelf com­pany, it is cru­cial that the share cap­ital is fully paid and free from any risks, such as hid­den liab­il­it­ies or encumbered assets. At Start­bereit, we guar­an­tee that our shelf com­pan­ies are 100% leg­ally com­pli­ant and risk-free. Each com­pany is estab­lished in Ber­lin, boasts an impec­cable track record, and comes with fully paid-up share cap­ital of EUR 1,000. This ensures that you can cover your ini­tial costs with con­fid­ence, without con­cerns about leg­acy issues or legal uncer­tain­ties. Trust in our expert­ise and start your busi­ness with peace of mind.

In a glance: A shelf com­pany is newly formed, unused, and ready for imme­di­ate deploy­ment. It has no oper­a­tional his­tory, no pre­vi­ous activ­it­ies, and no liab­il­it­ies, mak­ing it an ideal choice for a quick and hassle-free start. In con­trast, a shell com­pany comes with a history—it has been act­ive in the past and may carry leg­acy bur­dens, such as pre­vi­ous busi­ness activ­it­ies or exist­ing liab­il­it­ies. This makes thor­ough due dili­gence essen­tial when con­sid­er­ing a shell com­pany to identify any poten­tial risks or oblig­a­tions. Shelf com­pan­ies are spe­cific­ally cre­ated for imme­di­ate sale. Since they have never been act­ive, they are entirely new, free of liab­il­it­ies, and unen­cumbered by any past com­mit­ments.

The model pro­tocol is a legal, but sim­pli­fied ver­sion of the art­icles of asso­ci­ation that also includes the appoint­ment of the man­aging dir­ect­ors and the list of share­hold­ers. It is cheaper and sim­pler, but is only suit­able for com­pan­ies with a max­imum of three share­hold­ers and one man­aging dir­ector as well as for cash form­a­tions. As it only cov­ers basic points, the model pro­tocol is gen­er­ally only recom­men­ded for one-per­son com­pan­ies.

In order to avoid later changes or pos­sible chal­lenges at the not­ary appoint­ment and the asso­ci­ated higher costs, we only offer UGs with cus­tom­ised art­icles of asso­ci­ation.

Chat 1

Still have ques­tions?

Still have ques­tions about the start­ing a com­pany in Ger­many, com­pany regis­tra­tion Ger­many, busi­ness bank account Ger­many, the reser­va­tion or the pur­chase pro­cess? We answer many ques­tions in our FAQs, for everything else you are wel­come to con­tact our team.
Go to FAQs

Want to talk?

Would you prefer to speak to someone in per­son and cla­rify your ques­tions about start­ing a com­pany in Ger­many as a for­eigner, or com­pany regis­tra­tion in Ger­many in gen­eral, on the phone or in chat? No prob­lem! Our team is at your dis­posal and will be happy to help you with any ques­tions about our ser­vices.

start­bereit © 2024 SB Start­bereit GmbH. All rights reserved.

Any ques­tions?

Tell us where you’re at, and together we’ll fig­ure out how we can best sup­port you. No strings attached, com­pletely free.