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start busi­ness ger­many

Start­ing your com­pany in Ger­many is the first step towards self-employ­ment — an import­ant moment that brings with it many oppor­tun­it­ies, but also chal­lenges. Even a small busi­ness in Ger­many. To start a busi­ness can be time-con­sum­ing and com­plic­ated due to the bur­eau­crat­ic require­ments. How­ever, Start­bereit makes this pro­cess much easi­er and faster for you.

Plan­ning and start­ing a com­pany in Ger­many requires detailed know­ledge of leg­al and admin­is­trat­ive require­ments. Per­haps you already have a great busi­ness idea, but are put off by the bur­eau­crat­ic hurdles? Or you don’t know exactly which leg­al form is the right one for your com­pany?

This is where we start: Start­bereit sup­ports you in mak­ing your start-up as uncom­plic­ated as pos­sible. Our digit­al­ised pro­cess saves you time and nerves so that you can focus on build­ing and grow­ing your com­pany. Start­ing with the ‘GmbH or UG — which is bet­ter for me?’ test, the digit­al pur­chase pro­cess for your com­pany and sup­port with everything you need to start your busi­ness. Everything to make your com­pany regis­tra­tion Ger­many a smooth as pos­sible.

Found­ing a com­pany with shelf com­pan­ies

A quick start to self-employ­ment

Start a busi­ness can be a lengthy pro­cess, espe­cially when it comes to ful­filling all the leg­al require­ments. A shelf com­pany with a tax num­ber can speed up this pro­cess con­sid­er­ably.

A shelf com­pany is a com­pany that has already been foun­ded but is not yet act­ive. All leg­al form­al­it­ies have already been com­pleted and the shelf com­pany can be taken over with­in 24 hours. Online com­pany regis­tra­tion in Ger­many has nev­er been easi­er.

By pur­chas­ing a shelf com­pany, you can take over your com­pany imme­di­ately, skip the lengthy com­pany regis­tra­tion and start doing busi­ness without the typ­ic­al wait­ing times of a start-up.

Start­ing busi­ness in Ger­many, espe­cially a GmbH in the tra­di­tion­al way, usu­ally takes up to 3 months, as vari­ous offi­cial steps and regis­tra­tions are neces­sary. With start­bereit, how­ever, you can take over an already foun­ded GmbH and be ready to start with­in 24 hours.

A reg­u­lar UG form­a­tion also takes up to 3 months, as not­ary appoint­ments and entries in the com­mer­cial register are also neces­sary here. With Start­bereit it is pos­sible to take over a UG imme­di­ately and get star­ted with your busi­ness with­in 24 hours.

start business germany

Start a com­pany in Ger­many is easy now.

Your bene­fits with start­bereit


Imme­di­ate leg­al abil­ity

Start­bereit offers a selec­tion of pre-foun­ded GmbHs and UGs that can be taken over imme­di­ately. This allows you to start your busi­ness in Ger­many quickly and eas­ily without hav­ing to go through the lengthy busi­ness regis­tra­tion pro­cess.

Com­plete busi­ness solu­tion

All Start­bereit shelf com­pan­ies already have an act­ive busi­ness account with Ber­liner Volks­bank, which can be over­writ­ten. This saves you addi­tion­al time and makes it easi­er for you to start your own busi­ness.
to busi­ness bank account

All-round founders plat­form

Start­bereit offers you a com­pletely digit­al solu­tion with no paper­work and min­im­al wait­ing times. When you book our ser­vices, you become part of our com­munity, gain access to import­ant resources and can expand your start-up net­work. Mak­ing com­pany regis­tra­tion in Ger­many as simple as pos­sible.
Starting a business made easy!

Found­ing a com­pany as a for­eign­er in Ger­many

Mas­ter­ing the chal­lenge

Set­ting up a busi­ness in Ger­many as a for­eign­er can be chal­len­ging. Lan­guage bar­ri­ers and bur­eau­crat­ic hurdles are often dif­fi­cult to over­come.

Bilin­gual sup­port

Start­bereit offers its ser­vices in Ger­man and Eng­lish to make it easi­er for inter­na­tion­al founders to become self-employed. We accom­pany you through the entire pro­cess of set­ting up a com­pany and start­ing a busi­ness in Ger­many.

Abil­ity to act quickly with shelf com­pan­ies

By tak­ing over a shelf com­pany, you can get star­ted imme­di­ately without hav­ing to deal with com­plex found­ing and regis­tra­tion form­al­it­ies. The account at Ber­liner Volks­bank is simply included.

UG or GmbH – Which is bet­ter for you?

Click through our test in just a few minutes and find out which leg­al form is best suited to your pro­ject. Take over a mini GmbH, or go one step fur­ther and have a pro­fes­sion­al GmbH?

Why a shelf com­pany for your new busi­ness?


Effi­cient com­pany set-up

Tak­ing over a shelf com­pany is one of the most effi­cient ways to start your busi­ness in Ger­many. Why? Because all the leg­al form­al­it­ies have already been com­pleted.
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Imme­di­ate leg­al abil­ity

With a shelf com­pany with a tax num­ber, you can imme­di­ately issue invoices, con­clude con­tracts and start your busi­ness oper­a­tions. You don’t have to waste valu­able time.

Leg­al secur­ity

All Start­bereit shelf com­pan­ies are leg­ally audited and debt-free. You take over a com­pany that is ready to start imme­di­ately — with no leg­acy bur­dens and full leg­al secur­ity.

Full sup­port

Start­bereit offers com­pre­hens­ive sup­port through­out the entire pro­cess. We take care of all the neces­sary steps so that you can start a busi­ness now and con­cen­trate on grow­ing your busi­ness.
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Still have ques­tions?

Still have ques­tions about the start a com­pany in Ger­many, com­pany regis­tra­tion Ger­many, busi­ness account, the reser­va­tion or the pur­chase pro­cess? We answer many ques­tions in our FAQs, for everything else you are wel­come to con­tact our team.

Want to talk?

Would you prefer to speak to someone in per­son and cla­ri­fy your ques­tions about start­ing a com­pany in Ger­many as a for­eign­er, or com­pany regis­tra­tion in Ger­many in gen­er­al, on the phone or in chat? No prob­lem! Our team is at your dis­pos­al and will be happy to help you with any ques­tions about our ser­vices.

start­bereit © 2024 SB start­bereit GmbH. All rights reserved.