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The founders’ plat­form for your suc­cess!

start­bereit is more than just a com­pany — it is a mis­sion. In close cooper­a­tion with the Ber­liner Volks­bank we star­ted the founders’ plat­form and made it our mis­sion to make it easier for entre­pren­eurs to become self-employed.

With cus­tom­ised solu­tions, in-depth expert­ise and a net­work full of oppor­tun­it­ies, we guide founders through the bur­eau­cratic jungle and help them turn their vis­ions into real­ity. Are you ready to get star­ted? 

Germany's #1 founders' platform
Monika Andronova - Founder and CEO of startbereit

Monika Andro­nova

CEO start­bereit

‘The most import­ant resource your com­pany has is your time.’

Entrepreneurship in Germany

Our motiv­a­tion: What drives us

There is a clear vis­ion behind start­bereit: we want to be the one-stop shop for any­one who wants to set up a com­pany in Ger­many. At a time when bur­eau­cracy and com­plex start-up pro­cesses often present obstacles, start­bereit offers a simple, digital and fast solu­tion.

We have made it our mis­sion to make the start-up pro­cess access­ible and under­stand­able for every­one — regard­less of whether they are already famil­iar with the cor­por­ate world or not.

What makes our founders’ plat­form and us spe­cial

Ded­ic­a­tion and pas­sion

We put our heart and soul into our work and have our sights firmly set on our goals. Our com­mit­ment drives us to deliver out­stand­ing per­form­ance and make a real impact.

Truth and integ­rity

We are cham­pi­ons of hon­esty and eth­ics, uphold trans­par­ency and always do the right thing. Truth­ful­ness and integ­rity are our guid­ing stars.

Empathy and dir­ect­ness

We are whole­heartedly involved and without empty phrases. We listen, under­stand and com­mu­nic­ate straight­for­wardly. That’s empathy with impact.

Chal­lenges and oppor­tun­it­ies

Let’s go! Chal­lenges fuel our fire. We love to push bound­ar­ies, break through bar­ri­ers and turn obstacles into oppor­tun­it­ies.

Our pur­pose

#The first choice for founders

With our founders’ plat­form, we stand by our founders and ensure that their needs are pri­or­it­ised on their path to suc­cess. We are the founders’ plat­form for Germany’s entre­pren­eurs!

Our aim is to make the start-up pro­cess as smooth and effi­cient as pos­sible. We attach par­tic­u­lar import­ance to indi­vidual and per­son­al­ised sup­port that meets the needs of our cus­tom­ers.

Think of each com­pany as a unique eco­sys­tem, each with its own hab­itat and bal­ance. At start­bereit, we cul­tiv­ate our eco­sys­tem by embed­ding our work style and core val­ues into every ele­ment. Here, excel­lence isn’t just a goal — it’s our stand­ard. Our core val­ues are not just words — they are the nat­ural forces that guide us and help us explore new hori­zons and move into the future.

Col­lab­or­a­tion plays a cent­ral role in our eco­sys­tem. Through close cooper­a­tion with the Ber­liner Volks­bank and other part­ners such as clev­er­lohn or SevDesk schaf­fen wir Syn­er­gien, die unseren Kun­den zugutekom­men. Diese Part­ner­schaften ermög­lichen es uns, ein breites Spek­trum an Dienstleis­tun­gen anzu­bi­eten, das weit über die reine Unternehmens­gründung hin­aus­geht.

start­bereit is designed for growth and fur­ther devel­op­ment. We have set ourselves the goal of con­tinu­ously expand­ing our plat­form and integ­rat­ing new ser­vices that meet the needs of our cus­tom­ers. In doing so, we want to set stand­ards not only in Ger­many, but also inter­na­tion­ally.

Our mis­sion is to revolu­tion­ise busi­ness start-ups in Ger­many. We want to cre­ate an envir­on­ment in which innov­at­ive ideas can be real­ised quickly and eas­ily. We are not only a reli­able part­ner for our cus­tom­ers, but also for the entire start-up land­scape. Together, as a founders’ plat­form, we are shap­ing the future of entre­pren­eur­ship in Ger­many and bey­ond.

Our founder platform: starting a business made easy.

Do you want to become part of our team?

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Still have ques­tions?

Still have ques­tions about the start­ing a com­pany in Ger­many, com­pany regis­tra­tion Ger­many, busi­ness bank account Ger­many, the reser­va­tion or the pur­chase pro­cess? We answer many ques­tions in our FAQs, for everything else you are wel­come to con­tact our team.
Go to FAQs

Want to talk?

Would you prefer to speak to someone in per­son and cla­rify your ques­tions about start­ing a com­pany in Ger­many as a for­eigner, or com­pany regis­tra­tion in Ger­many in gen­eral, on the phone or in chat? No prob­lem! Our team is at your dis­posal and will be happy to help you with any ques­tions about our ser­vices.

start­bereit © 2024 SB Start­bereit GmbH. All rights reserved.