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(Almost) all the answers to your ques­tions

Gen­eral ques­tions

A shelf com­pany is a com­pany that has already been foun­ded but is not yet act­ive and is just wait­ing to be taken over. It enables a quick start as all the legal form­al­it­ies have already been com­pleted. Simply buy it, rename it and get star­ted straight away! Ideal for a quick busi­ness start.

The main reason for pur­chas­ing a shelf com­pany is the abil­ity to act imme­di­ately, exclud­ing per­sonal liab­il­ity, espe­cially if a con­tract or prop­erty acquis­i­tion is immin­ent and there is there­fore not enough time for the com­pany to be foun­ded. In the area of M&A, flex­ib­il­ity plays a par­tic­u­larly import­ant role.

Yes, shelf com­pan­ies are fully leg­ally secure. They are already entered in the com­mer­cial register and have ful­filled all legal require­ments. As they have not yet been act­ive, there are no leg­acy issues or legal prob­lems. How­ever, a small check after the pur­chase is recom­men­ded.

When you book start­bereit ser­vice, you will receive all the neces­sary doc­u­ments to ensure that everything is in order. You also have access to the com­mer­cial register to check the company’s his­tory.

In a glance: A shelf com­pany is newly formed, unused, and ready for imme­di­ate deploy­ment. It has no oper­a­tional his­tory, no pre­vi­ous activ­it­ies, and no liab­il­it­ies, mak­ing it an ideal choice for a quick and uncom­plic­ated start. In con­trast, a shell com­pany comes with a history—it has been act­ive in the past and may carry leg­acy bur­dens, such as pre­vi­ous busi­ness activ­it­ies or exist­ing liab­il­it­ies. This makes thor­ough due dili­gence essen­tial when con­sid­er­ing a shell com­pany to identify any poten­tial risks or oblig­a­tions. Shelf com­pan­ies are spe­cific­ally cre­ated for imme­di­ate sale. Since they have never been act­ive, they are entirely new, free of liab­il­it­ies, and unen­cumbered by any past com­mit­ments.

When pur­chas­ing a shelf com­pany, it is cru­cial that the share cap­ital is fully paid. The seller should guar­an­tee that the com­pany has been prop­erly foun­ded and does not have any inher­ited liab­il­it­ies or encumbered assets. With our shelf com­pan­ies, you are on the safe side: they are 100% leg­ally com­pli­ant, foun­ded in Ber­lin, have an impec­cable his­tory and the share cap­ital is fully paid. You can start your busi­ness with peace of mind.

By pur­chas­ing a shelf com­pany, you are able to act imme­di­ately without the risk of per­sonal liab­il­ity. You avoid the time-con­sum­ing incor­por­a­tion pro­cess and remain flex­ible until the last moment. You receive the bank account dir­ectly with the pur­chase and it is yours as soon as you suc­cess­fully pass the veri­fic­a­tion pro­cess at Ber­liner Volks­bank.

When found­ing a GmbH on your own, it is pos­sible to ini­tially deposit only €12,500 in share cap­ital instead of the full €25,000 required for a shelf com­pany. While this approach reduces upfront cap­ital require­ments, it res­ults in addi­tional effort and higher costs for not­ar­ies, law­yers, and tax advisors. Moreover, per­sonal liab­il­ity remains in place until the full share cap­ital has been paid. In sum­mary: less cap­ital tied up, but sig­ni­fic­antly more risk, time and effort required for the incor­por­a­tion pro­cess.

The pur­chase price depends on the legal form of the shelf com­pany. You can find an over­view above. A GmbH with fully paid-up cap­ital of 25,000 euros costs 28,500 euros. A UG with paid-up cap­ital of 1,000 euros costs 2,900 euros. There are no fur­ther costs from our side. How­ever, not­ary and court costs are added to the pur­chase price.

We offer super fast found­ing in just a few days — com­pletely paper­less! Even though we are still new on the mar­ket, we guar­an­tee full legal cer­tainty and work with reli­able part­ners such as Ber­liner Volks­bank. You also get a busi­ness account that is free of charge for the first three months. We take care of everything, includ­ing open­ing a bank account.

Ques­tions about the pro­cess

All Start­bereit shelf com­pan­ies are provided with an account at the Ber­liner Volks­bank sold. This account, into which the share cap­ital has been paid, belongs to the shelf com­pany. After the pur­chase, the account will be trans­ferred to the per­sons you have spe­cified. To ensure that you have timely access to your cap­ital, we ask you to start the iden­ti­fic­a­tion pro­cess imme­di­ately.

If for any reason you are not author­ised to have a bank account, the amount of the share cap­ital will be trans­ferred to an account of your choice. We will inform you about the neces­sary steps in such a case.

All man­aging dir­ect­ors must be present in per­son to sign the found­ing doc­u­ments. Share­hold­ers can be rep­res­en­ted by a private power of attor­ney. In the case of for­eign share­hold­ers and com­pan­ies, it should be cla­ri­fied in advance whether cer­ti­fic­ates with an apos­tille are required. This pro­cess can take a long time, which is why we also recom­mend that such share­hold­ers attend the not­ary appoint­ment in per­son.

In addi­tion, the seller of SB Start­bereit GmbH will not be rep­res­en­ted in per­son at the not­ary appoint­ment, but by a power of attor­ney. The power of attor­ney should be issued to a per­son from the buyer’s side who will be present at the not­ary appoint­ment.
This power of attor­ney will be for­war­ded dir­ectly to the not­ary who will pro­cess your case. In this way, we ensure that everything remains leg­ally unchanged in the con­tract. 

All man­aging dir­ect­ors must be present in per­son to sign the found­ing doc­u­ments. Share­hold­ers can be rep­res­en­ted by a private power of attor­ney. In the case of for­eign share­hold­ers and com­pan­ies, it should be cla­ri­fied in advance whether cer­ti­fic­ates with an apos­tille are required. This pro­cess can take a long time, which is why we also recom­mend that such share­hold­ers attend the not­ary appoint­ment in per­son.

Although the com­pany has already been form­ally estab­lished and entered in the com­mer­cial register, it has not yet car­ried out any eco­nomic activ­ity. The com­pany is eco­nom­ic­ally ‘re-estab­lished’ when the new owner acquires it and com­mences busi­ness activ­it­ies. This usu­ally requires the new share­hold­ers and man­aging dir­ect­ors to be entered in the com­mer­cial register and the busi­ness activ­ity to be cap­it­al­ised.

When pur­chas­ing a shelf com­pany, you will also incur not­ary and court costs in addi­tion to the pur­chase price. These vary depend­ing on the type of com­pany and the desired changes. For a GmbH, you should expect to pay around 700 euros for the not­ary and around 300 euros for the com­mer­cial register. For a UG, the costs are usu­ally around 100 to 200 euros lower.

These costs can then be deduc­ted dir­ectly from the share cap­ital of the UG or GmbH as form­a­tion costs.

No, you don’t have to wait for the changes to be entered in the com­mer­cial register to start your busi­ness activ­it­ies. As soon as the not­ary appoint­ment has been final­ised and all the neces­sary doc­u­ments have been signed, you can leg­ally start trad­ing. How­ever, the change to the com­pany details only becomes offi­cial once it has been entered in the com­mer­cial register. It is still advis­able to wait until after regis­tra­tion before under­tak­ing import­ant trans­ac­tions and legal oblig­a­tions to ensure that all form­al­it­ies have been com­pleted cor­rectly.

The time it takes for changes to be entered in the com­mer­cial register can vary depend­ing on the region and the capa­city util­isa­tion of the respons­ible office. As a rule, it takes around two to four weeks for the entry to be final­ised. This period can be exten­ded if there are delays in pro­cessing, for example due to enquir­ies from the registry court or miss­ing doc­u­ments.

It is import­ant that all required doc­u­ments are sub­mit­ted to the not­ary com­pletely and cor­rectly in order to speed up the pro­cess.

Start­bereit shelf com­pan­ies do not yet have a tax num­ber because tax offices do not nor­mally issue tax num­bers for such com­pan­ies, as the jur­is­dic­tion may change after the pur­chase. A reg­u­lar tax num­ber is only issued after the com­pany has been acquired.

After the pur­chase, you can apply for a pro­vi­sional tax num­ber from most tax offices. This is usu­ally issued quickly and is suf­fi­cient for issu­ing invoices.

The tax num­ber we have applied for will usu­ally be of little use to you. If you change the busi­ness address, the ori­ginal tax office loses its jur­is­dic­tion. As the jur­is­dic­tion of the tax office is determ­ined by the busi­ness address and not the registered office of the com­pany, you must apply for a new tax num­ber at the tax office for the new loc­a­tion.

In order to apply for a tax num­beryou must register a busi­ness, whereupon you will receive a tax regis­tra­tion ques­tion­naire from the tax office, which you must com­plete and sub­mit. Once you have received a tax num­ber, you can apply for a VAT iden­ti­fic­a­tion num­ber (VAT ID) either online via ELSTER or in writ­ing. 

Upon found­ing, we pre­pare an open­ing bal­ance sheet for each pur­chas­ing com­pany, which you receive together with the com­pany doc­u­ments. If the com­pany is still in our port­fo­lio at the turn of the year, we also pre­pare annual fin­an­cial state­ments and file them in the com­pany register.

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Still have ques­tions?

Still have ques­tions about the start­ing a com­pany in Ger­many, com­pany regis­tra­tion Ger­many, busi­ness bank account Ger­many, the reser­va­tion or the pur­chase pro­cess? We answer many ques­tions in our FAQs, for everything else you are wel­come to con­tact our team.
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Want to talk?

Would you prefer to speak to someone in per­son and cla­rify your ques­tions about start­ing a com­pany in Ger­many as a for­eigner, or com­pany regis­tra­tion in Ger­many in gen­eral, on the phone or in chat? No prob­lem! Our team is at your dis­posal and will be happy to help you with any ques­tions about our ser­vices.

start­bereit © 2024 SB Start­bereit GmbH. All rights reserved.